Senin, 08 April 2013


he has two dogs
his favorite movie is billy elliot
his favorite food is fried chicken
he likes being called oppa
he can do pop,lock and also ballet,jazz and hiphop
they have same personality as taemin
he likes reading and listening to music
he likes reading manhwa
he likes eating pork intestines
he cant ride a unicycle
whenever he gets nervous,he touches the lucky bracelt his parents got him
he was in 12 of 23 exo teasers
he has two older sisters
he doesnt talk very much at home
he was the first member of exo to be revealed
he has also a bestfriend named kim moom kyu
he is very nice to his fans
he likes bananas
he has a very nice body
he likes being bossy
his motto is “id rather bend than break”
he like taking selcas

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